Depression Bundle

Product Code: SCDEBUN

Availability:Out of stock

$138.85 $128.85 128.85

Better Fish Oil

Research indicates that Omega 3 fish oil is effective for depression (Hallahan B, et al. 2016Grosso G, et al. 2014). Most people that eat a western diet can benefit from increasing the intake of Omega 3 fatty acids since their diet usually contains too much Omega 6 from vegetable oils and saturated fat from dairy and other animal sources. Read full scientific explanation..........

Effective S-Acetyl Glutathione

Glutathione is your primary defence against ageing. It's a very effective antioxidant that the body makes to protect itself from free radical damage (oxidative stress). It can help repair cells that are damaged by stress, radiation, pollution, infection, and other illnesses. Increased oxidative stress and lower antioxidant levels is associated with mood disorders and depression (Hirose A, et al. 2016Bajpai A, et al. 2014). Glutathione depletion plays a role in the pathophysiology of several neuroimmune disorders, including depression (Morris G, et al. 2014). Read full scientific explanation...........


Curcumin EX

Research has documented the many benefits of curcumin (found in turmeric spice), but regular curcumin is hard to absorb. Our formula improves the intake of this beneficial substance into the cells. 500 mg of a patented curcumin extract taken twice daily for 8 weeks was associated with a decrease in depressive symptoms when compared with a placebo treatment in participants with major depression (Lopresti AL, et al. 2015). Working memory and mood have also been found to be significantly better when taking curcumin (Cox KH, et al. 2015). Read full scientific explanation.........